Friday, October 26, 2012

Hello, we are the Griswalds!

Yesterday started as a minor disaster. Our plane left Boise late due to who knows what, which caused us to arrive in Chicago AFTER our scheduled departure time for our next flight to Quebec. We ran over a mile to try to get to the gate on time, sweating and looking like red-faced clowns. Luckily, our plane was delayed because the president was flying out at the same time and air traffic was stopped for him. We ended up waiting in Chicago over 3 hours for our flight to leave. Unfortunately after arriving at Quebec, we discovered Jim's bag had been lost. At this time, we still have no idea where his bag is and he may have to end up wearing my clothes this week. Yikes, I hope he looks good in a sundress.
The good news is that we had a great walk around Old Quebec City today. Breakfast was a delicious baguette for me and a ham croissant for Jim, ordered in our butchered French. Did you know Quebec is pronounced 'kay-bec'? I didn't. We arrived after a ride from the city's craziest taxi driver (who at one point threatened to report himself to the transit authority). We are still getting used to the idea that the ship is our "home" for the next 22 days. The demographic of this ship is quite a bit older than us, (by like, 40 years!) making dinner at 530pm impossible but at 8 pm, the dining room is almost empty. Tomorrow we spend the day walking around Kay-bec some more and I think I'll do some shopping (don't tell Jim!) The pictures that follow are all of Quebec City. So, until tomorrow, Au Revoir!

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