Saturday, December 22, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day...Whatever

Our elf has been quite the lazy son-of-a-gun lately. It's like he's gotten comfortable in the house. Either that or he's already decided what his report back to Santa will be and he's fed up with "watching" us. Jim decided to clean out our home office file cabinets tonight and when he took the year-end documents upstairs to store, Mr. Marbles took the opportunity to do some office work of his own. If only I was the one reporting back to Santa, I think Mr. Marbles might be on the naughty list...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 15

Seeing as how the world is supposed to end tomorrow and all, Mr. Marbles accompanied me to work today and took advantage of the fact that I own my own little skin care practice and can give heavily discounted facials. And by "heavily discounted" I mean free. A) He's an elf and has no money and B) I still feel kinda bad about almost killing him off in day thirteen's post. Call me forgiven after this. Anyway, he chose my "All Organic Facial" due to concerns that anything harsher would take the color right off of those rosy little cheeks of his. Good choice, Mr. Marbles! Now go tell Santa I've been good!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 14

Someone pointed out to me that my blog postings had taken on the tone of a lousy soap opera and I have to say I agree. When Bee grabbed Mr. Marbles that should have just been the end of the drama, but nooooo, I got lazy. (Hey, you try being this creative for 24 days in a row and see if you don't take the easy way out once in a while.). Anyway, today Mr. Marbles is enjoying his time of relaxation. I'm thinking as soon as I get the rest of my wrapping, packing, baking, and cleaning done ill probably do the same.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 13

Ok, we skipped day 12 but the picture below explains why. It seems Mr. Marbles wasn't dead-dead, only kinda dead. That meant we still had a chance with him. Currently he's in 'elf-tensive' care and is being taken good care of. He's got wires and tubes coming out of him and bless his little heart, he's still got that goofy smile of his. So things are looking up! Stay tuned and think good elf thoughts!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 11 AKA Day of Tragedy

It was bound to happen. Mr. Marbles was found this morning, face down in the middle of our living room floor, unmoving, and unresponsive. Right next to him, sat Bee the Beagle, looking...guilty. Jim asked, "Why is he lying face down on the floor like that? Is he planking again?" "No," I answered, "He's dead." "Why is he dead?" Jim asked. "I guess he died because he was so sad by all of the naughty behavior." I answered. (Bee, I'm looking in YOUR direction.) I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, folks. Stay tuned for this continuing saga...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 10

Planking. Have you heard of it? Here, allow me to save you the trouble of a Google search: Planking (otherwise known as, The Lying Down Game) is a relatively new fad where participants lie stiff as a board (or plank!), face down, and unmoving, in often unusual places. They then have pictures taken of their planking and post the pictures on social media sites. Umm, fun? Anyway, it seems we have a trendy elf in our house. Today Mr. Marbles was planking on our Christmas tree! Don't worry, Mr. Marbles, I'll post the picture for you...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 9

Mr. Marbles obviously took his opportunity of free access in my pantry seriously yesterday. Today he was found building snowmen out of marshmallows. (Jim says, "Oh he needed to build himself some friends, he's lonely." I'm totally afraid of what this naughty little elf is capable of when given a Sharpie marker. Watch out!